I'm happy to share things I've brainstormed in the past week. These are for the school's book club where I'm the president. Last year was not a great year for us and I will make sure that this year it will.
The government in our book club is like the government of the other clubs in our school. President, vice, secretary, treasurer, auditor and etc. Well, a book club doesn't need a government like that. A lot of the positions are occupied but don't have a function in the club. I and my partner came with an idea where a new government will not only fit in the club but also will be more exciting.
1. Prime Minister - the replacement office for the president. Of course, no more further explanations. He manages the club.
2. Deputy Prime Minister - the replacement office for the vice-president.
3. Ministry of Finance - replacement for the treasurer and the auditor. This will only be composed of one person.
4. Ministry of Communications - replacement for the secretary and the representatives.
all in all there will be five officers (two for communications). Unlike the 7-8 normal government body. Our club is the smallest of all. It has a limit of 20 students only. It is very odd and ugly for half of the club ruling the other half. What's that? 50-50?
Last year, 70% of the members are not a book-geek. They just joined the club for grades. NOW I will be harsh in admission.
Are you familiar with college admission? Where you pass an application form then receive a letter later if you're accepted or not? That's it. That's they way I will manage the admission. All interested to join can get an application form, and filled it out. I, the deputy and the club moderator will scan and decide if the person deserve an admission to the club.
So we are expecting a lot of rejections!
There will be two main publications that the club will release.
1. Official Book - this will be a book of collection of essays, short stories and book quotes by every member of the club. It's wonderful isn't it? Only three copies will be printed. One for the library, and the two will be available for lending. Students and teachers will be allowed to borrow it.
2. Montly Newspaper - every month, the club will produce news papers consisting of ONLY book related topics like reviews, movies, author interview and bloggers. This project is expected to encourage students and teachers to read and be involved more in literature. Every classroom and the faculty will have one copy. It will cost too much if every student will have a copy, they can just pass it to other people. Or this will be great if the school will support the funding.
Only four movies are expected to be watched in the whole year.
1. Author focused - movie that is about the life of an author. Most likely to be Becoming Jane.
2. Novel Based - there's a lot of novel based movies but I will choose the most inspirational yet encouraging to watch.
3. History focused - I want them to watch the film about the attempted kidnap to Pope Pius XII
4. Science Fiction - the favorite of all. Maybe not all!
Members are allowed and free to read what they want and share to the club after reading. S/He will facilitate a discussion about that book and others are expected to listen and also give their opinions.
BUT there is one required read - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. A book report shall be done.
Who doesn't like field trips? Of course you do! These are the possible places where we may have a trip.
1. National Library
2. Museums - I hope we have the Louvre here in the Philippines. :)
3. Publishing House - I will definitely like to see how books are made.
This is my favorite project! I love supporting charities. Since we are not millionaires to donate cash, we will donate books instead. There's a lot of orphanage here in the Philippines and I would like to encourage them in reading during their young age. I will be the happiest man in the world if they will say in the future "Book Buddies by Ivanbookworm introduce me to reading!" That's the best sentence they can say.
Who doesn't love kids? I love them!
Our book club is eligible to do a book fair during our Book Week. That will be so awesome isn't it? Every year Scholastic Publishing goes to our school to sell their books, but I want a book store not a publisher. Why? I want to introduce the student body to every book in the market not only just by Scholastic.
But I surely invite a local publisher to encourage reading Filipino Books.
That's all for now. Maybe another post about this in the future.
See yah! Thanks!